Miss L—c—s, No. 1 York-Street, Queen-Ann-Street East.
——————Lilting o'er the lea,
Ye're welcomer to take me, than to let me be.
She is tall and fair, of a striking figure, and amiable in conversation, perfectly complying with the desires of her enamorato's: she is said, like the river Nile, frequently to overflow, but somehow or another her inundations differ from those of that river, as they do not produce foecundity, some skilful gardeners are of opinion that she drowns the seed, which is the reason that it does not take root. This, is a disagreeable circumstance to those who may wish not to till in vain; but to others who would prefer the pleasure without the expensive consequences, she is the more desirable, as they are sure that all who bathe in her Castalian spring, will be overwhelmed with a flood of delight.
(p. 24)