Miss P—mbr—ke, No. 5, Duke-Street, Adelphi.
Where did my soul in the dear transport go?
Did it with willing haste to her depart?
It did, I'm sure, and fluttered around her heart;
It heav'd, it trembled, and it panted there,
But all its weak efforts to stay were vain,
A kiss restored the fugitive again;
My soul re-enterd, we repeated o'er
A thousand joys unknown to both before.
In the bloom of sixteen, tall and elegantly genteel, with fine black expressive eyes, and remarkable fine hair, which flows in graceful ringlets down her back, and with an envious shade sweetly protects two of the most enchanting snowy hillocks nature ever formed. Miss P—— may well please, may well attract the eye. She does please, she does attract, and upon every account well merits the attention of the man of true taste. Untutored by art, and taught only by powerful nature, she charms in enjoyment; and as she has not, from over frequency, been rendered callous to the joys of love, she repays every rapture with interest, and meets the blissful moment with a tepid flood of delight. At present she is in good keeping by a citizen, not many miles from Fleet Market, and having been only three months under his care, has not yet been sufficiently broke for the sport, hope therefore that some of our good friends will, by properly supplying the citizen's place at those hours his employment obliges him to be absent, instill into her such principles that will at least raise her spunk to proof; but' altho' young, she can well dispense with a little more pocket money than her keeper allows, and always expects twice the number of pieces that her paramour gives proofs of his manhood.
(pp. 80-81)