Miss K—n, Castle-Street, Oxford Market.
"Let Nature empty her whole quiver in me,
"I have a part, which, like an ample shield,
"Can take in all, and yet leave room for more.
This lady assumed the name, she at present goes by, from motives of concealment in her sportive profession, in which she drives a good trade, and is very much lik'd by the beaux esprits of the age for her spunk, being remarkably full of Cyprian Spirit, many degrees above any proof it has ever been put to; so that for the power of her parts, and active ability, she could match Turk Gregory; and when she had him in her tenacious arms, he might perform the amorous feat within the magic circle of her charms, till even strength, like his, was spent, and nature quite exhausted of all her balmy store, whilst she, untired, and springing from the bed, would ask a fresh attack, and still give pleasure in the warm embrace; she is of a dark complexion, with a wide mouth, and extraordinary well formed for a winter's companion. She has no pretensions to beauty, but founds her claims to public favour on internal merit, and her capacity and skill in the rites of Venus, appealing rather to the sense of touch, than that of sight; she is in general to be met with at a favourite hop, at the west end of the town, and if Mr. B—rd should not be there, you may gain the liberty of attending her home, and she will thank you for half a guinea.
(pp. 58-59)