INSIDE OF COVENT-GARDEN THEATRE, Viewed from the front Boxes, during the Attendance of the Royal Family and the Performance of Pizarro. (Page 452.)
THE Plate represents the Royal Family attending the play at this Theatre. His Majesty's box is in the second row, as seen on the left of the Plate: eight of the ordinary boxes are thrown into one for his accommodation. Over the centre is a canopy of crimson velvet, embroidered with gold, and surmounted with a crown. The pannels in front are of crimson velvet, decorated with a crown, and with the initials of their Majesties, embroidered with gold. The box is lined with blue satin: curtains festooned run round the top. The back of the box is taken away on these occasions, and a crimson curtain is drawn across, which opens into an ante-room lined with white satin. Three of the boxes over their Majesties are occupied by the officers of the horse and foot-guards, and the King's pages. The Lord Chamberlain, the Lord in Waiting, and other officers, stand behind the King during the representation; and the Ladies in Waiting, and other Ladies, behind the Queen. The Princesses sit on each side of their Majesties. The King is dressed either in regimentals, or a plain suit: her Majesty and the Princesses are usually much dressed, the queen generally wearing a great quantity of valuable diamonds. When the King enters, the band plays God save the King: and, of late years, it has been the custom for the vocal performers to sing that song; the whole audience standing, and the men being uncovered. The same is done at the conclusion of the night's amusement.
The Stage, in this Plate, represents a scene in Pizarro. Mr. Kemble is playing Rolla, and is in the act of carrying off Alonzo's child from Pizarro. The dimensions of this Theatre are at present, from wall to wall, 158 feet long, and 60 feet wide, the room allowed for the stage being nearly equal to that set apart for the audience. It has been much enlarged within these few years. It will hold between five and six hundred pounds.
(p. 500)