Miss Charlotte C—tt—n, No. 34, King-street, Soho.
—————The self same cates
Still offer'd, soon the appetite offend;
The most delicious soonest.
How happy would it be for the author of this anniversary publication, could he procure a friend to new christen the features, that the reader might with less fatigue go through this heap of tautology, but as that end is not yet accomplished, we must steer according to the old line,
An eye must still be an eye, and a tooth a tooth;
both of which our young Venus, who has just reached her seventeenth year, possesses in a superlative degree. She strongly points to your imagination a casket of orient pearls, the former of two living diamonds, whose language so forcibly invite the blind boy to the happy cloyster, that there is seldom many fleeting moments before an almost involuntary attack must be made. Her heaving breasts foretell the coming joy; the liquid eye declares it nearer still; the interrupted sigh, the sudden gush, if premature and involuntary twist of the limbs speaks a flowing of the tide, and the critical oh! bids the silly pen defiance to express. She is of a good size, and well form'd, of a lively and sweet disposition, has been but a short time in life, and has beautiful dark hair;
Her eye brows arch'd, and rather full than thin,
To shade the dazzling light that dwells within.
She has met with many admirers but showing lately too great a partiality for the gentleman whose name she assumes, (a horse jockey) she has lately sunk a little in the world; his late inconstancy, however, has wrought so powerfully upon her, that she is now soliciting the favours and support of her old friends; she is of a good size, and well made, of a lively and sweet disposition, loves a glass of Madeira, but never takes a glass in one hand without having prudence in the other, and is particularly careful that the effects of Bacchus shall not prevent the more sensible joys, of Venus. Two pounds two shillings is her price to strangers, but if a very old and good, acquaintance, she will not refuse half the sum.
(pp. 115-117)