Mrs. N—t—n, No. 12, Suffolk-street, Cavendish-Square.
The blooming looks of spring, and lovely red
As opening roses, on her cheeks are spread;
Her eyes that sparkle like the stars above,
Appear the armory and throne of love,
Whilst thousands of alluring graces Wait,
And mingling charms form love's triumphant state.
This lady is tolerably handsome, with a fine dark durable complexion, fine hazel eyes and good teeth, which, by a perpetual smile, or rather grin, she has acquired a very convenient knack of shewing; she is tall, and the goodness of her temper and disposition render her a very agreeable companion and makes her at present much sought after. We hear the first toast she drinks every day is to the health of Mr. N——, a gentleman of the law, whose name she has taken the liberty of substituting for her own; she has not yet been a year on the town, yet has done great execution amongst the tender hearts of the men of the ton, many of which she has kindled into a flame. She is as fond of variety as any baronet's lady, and will display her naked beauties to any curious observer, without giving them the trouble to mount on any other man's shoulder to take a peep at them. She is very tall, and the pit in her black heath is said to have a considerable profundity, and has baffled the art of many a gauger to take it precisely with the best dipping rules; yet though the attempt has been unsuccessful, it hath not been undelightful, for the passage being straight much pleasure has been derived by the gauger, during which pleasing pastime
A gentle warmth invades her glowing breast,
And while she fondly gazes on thy face,
Ev'n thought is lost in exquisite delights;
and she is so generous, that as she knows the hours of love are but short, she always fills up every moment of them with rapture. She well knows how to wind the clock of nature up to the highest pitch, and make the human pendulum vibrate to extasy; nay, she can so well fill up what the Poet calls the dull pause of joy, that its duration is scarce perceiv'd, and she beats an almost instantaneous alarm to blissful repetition.
(pp. 92-94)