Miss Gr—ce, No 124, Portland street.
Forc'd to consent, but never to obey,
Panting he lies; the liquid minute pass'd,
She feedeth on the stream as on a prey,
And calls it heavenly moisture.
Some ladies prefer the profit, others the pleasure; some may divide it equally in their choice, and perhaps their may be, among Venus's tribe, the lady found almost indifferent to either; this lady however we may venture to affirm is not of the last stamp; she is a fine inviting looking girl, with very lively Cupidinous eyes and a good complexion, and scarcely ever to be found but in a good humour; and her paramour, provided he can prove himself the good bed fellow, has nothing to fear in this lady's company, as money with her is not the entire object, it is the enjoyment that constitutes her happiness, and in that part she is a truly lovely actress; her twining limbs never forget their office; her busy lips is mistress of the genuine burning kiss, and the intermediate parts move in every direction that can possibly enhance the coming joy, which she will powerfully urge a repetition of, as long as dame nature can possibly afford it. She is at prefent in keeping by a French count, who though very jealous, often suffers her to sport it in his chariot, during which time her tell-tale black eyes, is busy in hunting for admirers, and can tip the wink and conduct him, if approved, to a safe harbour; and altho' not so very fond of money, she does not expect to have less than five guineas offered her.
(pp. 86-87)