Miss Jenny K—b—rd, No. 33, Northumberland-street, Strand.
You gaulky steeple, you stalking stag,
Your husband must come from Brobdignag.
It is a pity that so noble a piece could not be preserved solely for the use of his Majesty's Grenadiers; she is more than six foot; she is now about twenty-five, possesses an elegance in her person, (we wish we could pay the same compliment to her actions) light hair and eyes, which are continually lighted up by the all powerful brandy bottle; as she excells in the height of stature so is she the height of good nature, for she never refuses any gentleman her favors, that has any money in his pocket; she is surely too the height of vulgarity, for she will come her eyes and limbs, with any lady from Billingsgate, or Jack tar from Wapping; but her greatest fault, and what makes more disgusting her other imperfections, is her violent attachment to drinking; she generally contrives to pin her basket completely by nine o'clock; then she swears most abominably, and is as great a proficient in barefaced indecency, as Messalina of antient Rome. We therefore set her up as a beacon; in spite of all, when she pleases, she can be a good companion, and speaks the English language remarkably well; she is never denied to any one, except Mr. G. a watchmaker, in the city, should be engaged with her, he being her particular friend.
(pp. 138-139)