Miss Emma Ell—tt, No. 8, Action-street, Gray's-Inn-Lane.
Our souls their former joys renew,
We raise new sport, and wanten jesting;
Our eyes each others charms review,
In every form of love contesting.
At last, our body's warm'd with mutual fire,
To prove each others aid to join in one conspire.
This truly lovely woman is about twenty, and, whilst she remains in a state of silence, commands every attracting charm the heart of man can wish; she speaks French tolerably well, and sings inimitably; she has now trod the path of love four years, during which, time pretty Emma has experienced every vicissitude the cruel hand of fortune could possibly inflict. At present Mr. B. a merchant, in Castle-Court, is the gentleman from whom she derives her principal support; she has fine blue melting eyes, with an aquiline nose, and a very pretty mouth, when her tongue is inactive, but when once she gives a loose to that unruly member, she pours forth such a torrent of blackguardism that shall destroy every attracting feature, and spoil one of the most desirable looking girls in the Cyprian market. Our damsel is therefore the most agreeable looking girl when asleep; in bed she is truly amorous, and a charming sportswoman, and when one strain is finished, cries, da capo, with a good grace, for which she expeas five guineas.
(pp. 131-132)