Miss Sarah S—dd—ns, at a Hair-dresser's, Tavistock-row, Covent-garden.
He dresses her wig in a new fashion way,
And black D—m—r as usual is jovial and gay;
She constantly smiles on her doating dear puff,
And thinks he can never be tumbled enough.
This good-natured piece of luxury we have nor been able to trace beyond five years, at which time she made her entry in no very high sphere, but meeting with great encouragement, she might have done very well, but love, that wicked deity, created for the ruin of his female votaries, shot poor Sally deep in the heart; going to partake of an innocent amusement, vulgarly called black hops, where twelve pence will gain admission, she beheld, oh dire misfortune! a lovely African, blooming with all the hue of the warm country that gave him birth, and fell at that instant a sacrifice to the charms of the well made sooty frizeur; for some time she ranked him amongst her own train, and charitably exerted herself for his support, but growing at length satiated with his dear company, and almost ruined in the bargain, she dismissed the gloomy object of her late desires, and parted mutual friends; since which time she has graced the purlieus of Covent-Garden with her presence, and is perfectly well known under the Piazza. She is about twenty-three, light hair and eyes, a good skin, and size compleatly adapted for this season, and which seems to please the greatest part of her friends and customers, who think two arms full of joy twice as good as one; she is remarkably good-natured and affable to those who favour her with a visit, and will take almost any sum rather than turn her visitor away; but if you absolutely bilk her, beware of the consequence; for she is so well convinced that she does not merit such treatment, that she will, if possible, revenge the injury; but we hope none of our friends will ever pay her a whole nocturnal visit without a small piece of gold in his pocket, as she is an able pasture maker, is up to every movement in the art of giving pleasure, and will oblige them in any way.
(pp. 83-85)