Mrs. Ch—sh—line, No. 36, Titchfield Street.
Reclin'd upon a couch the maiden lay,
And all her virgin charms expos'd to view;
I saw them all, unseen, and in her eyes
Read the mad language of untaught desire.
This Mrs. C——— may say, when she first seduced this then lovely girl from the boarding school, and taught her willing mind the use of that machine, her amorous desires so ardently wished for.— She is the daughter of a banker in the city, and might have remained with her first undoer for many years longer, had not her itch for variety, and the brandy bottle, got the better of every subservience due to a keeper. Now arrived at the full age of twenty-six, with fine sparkling blue eyes, genteel tall figure, her breasts rather full but not less firm, very fair, and contrasted beautifully by the blue branching veins which surround every part; apparently light brown hair, but so covered with powder that the colour is doubtful; of a sprightly and amorous disposition, and a very warm temper, especially when tempered by her favorite liquor, of which she loves to take large and copious libations, ever desirous of seeing the bottom. Her price is moderate, the smallest piece being as much as she in general expects.
(pp. 62-63)